Re: Jim's City Database Video
Posted by jimw on 3/11/2014, 9:38 am
I actually built the video then had to take it apart section by section because I found myself talking too fast trying to cram everything in to keep the video short. It sounded like I never took a breath so I had to create gaps between sound bytes. If I put everything in there that I wanted to it would be 20 min long or longer and many peoples attention spans are short.  As it is I've already heard from people that had to watch it or rewind several times to absorb the info. It is kind of sad with social networking everything is shorter & shorter, it gets frustrating producing data when you have to crunch it and simplify it but please spread the video.
In this thread:
Jim's City Database Video - Chris in Tampa, 3/10/2014, 10:07 pm
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