Please Forgive Me!!! Just for fun!
Posted by
Mark in PC Beach on 8/27/2015, 8:24 pm
As some of you know I am a Insurance Adjuster, and we all get a bit squirlly around this time when a "system" is out there! Also, I am annoyed at the media!!!! YOU GUYS ARE GREAT.... but the media is nuttso! Everyone has a model, or opinion, so here is mine.... (In Orange).
First Erika goes to Atlanta because EVERYTHING MUST go through Atlanta! After all Delta stands for "Delivering Every Living Thing Through Atlanta". Then to Miami because that is where she was suppose to go, then to the cruise ports, just for fun, then over to New Orleans to hang out, then she splits!  |
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Please Forgive Me!!! Just for fun! - Mark in PC Beach, 8/27/2015, 8:24 pm Post A Reply
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