the evacuation
Posted by
cypresstx on 9/22/2015, 11:36 am
what a tragic mess, the whole thing... I remember neighbors in our subdivision boarding up their home & hitting the road in their SUV with kids & pets, towing their "toys" that they couldn't park in their garage & further jamming the freeways, unnecessarily - they returned about 24 hours later, having never made it as far as even Bryan College Station (less than 80 miles)
it was about 3 wks after Katrina, their were still about 1/4 million evacuees from Louisiana in the greater Houston area
from SciGuy's blog: of the 113 deaths in Texas only six could be directly attributed to the storm, whereas the other 107 deaths were caused indirectly, primarily due to to the haphazard evacuation process.
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Rita -
9/20/2015, 2:31 pm- the evacuation - cypresstx, 9/22/2015, 11:36 am
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