3D printed Titanosaur skeleton unveiled yesterday at American Museum of Natural History
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Chris in Tampa on 1/15/2016, 11:10 am
"The skeleton on display doesn't include any real fossils, which are far too heavy to mount. Instead, its bones are lightweight 3D prints made of fiberglass and based on digital copies of the original fossils."
"Discovered in 2014 in Argentine Patagonia, this dinosaur is so new that it has not even been formally named by the scientists who discovered it, from Argentina's Museo Paleontológico Egidio Feruglio (MEF)."
"This titanosaur weighed around 70 tons-as much as 10 African elephants."
"The 122-foot-long cast is too large to fit into the Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Orientation Center at the Museum. Its 39-foot-long neck extends out towards the elevator banks and its head, which hangs 9.5 feet above the floor, peeks out of the gallery to welcome visitors to the fossil floor."
"With its neck up, this titanosaur is tall enough to peek into a five-story building."
"The life-sized cast was created over six months by Research Casting International in Ontario, Canada in association with Argentina's MEF. The cast is based on 84 excavated fossil bones."
From: http://tumblr.amnh.org/post/137304084509/8-titanosaur-facts-and-figures
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unnamed_Patagonian_titanosaur_(2014) http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/14/living/titanosaur-new-dinosaur-on-display-new-york-irpt/index.html |
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3D printed Titanosaur skeleton unveiled yesterday at American Museum of Natural History - Chris in Tampa, 1/15/2016, 11:10 am Post A Reply
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