2016 Tropical Cyclone related anniversaries
Posted by
Chris in Tampa on 1/18/2016, 4:15 pm
From 5th anniversaries to a 735th anniversary, a very, very long list of anniversaries.
"2011 - 5th anniversary
- Hurricane Irene brings great destruction to the Caribbean, Bahamas, and northeastern US and passes directly over New York City. - Typhoon Washi kills over 1200 people across the Pacific. - Hurricane Maria hits the Antilles and Newfoundland.
1281 - 735th anniversary:
- A second attempted Mongol invasion of Japan is thwarted by a typhoon, ending further attempts."
NOAA HRD Blog: https://noaahrd.wordpress.com/2016/01/15/2016-tropical-cyclone-related-anniversaries/ |
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2016 Tropical Cyclone related anniversaries - Chris in Tampa, 1/18/2016, 4:15 pm
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