Re: So Much Energy
Posted by
CX on 8/24/2016, 10:34 pm
We'll see what it looks like in the morning. A couple of curious things though... the current blowup N of PR is directly in line w. the 850mb vort map. The 850mb vort map has the strongest vorticity just N of PR, but the swirl itself is even further NW, which means it is still naked. Curious to see if it reforms under the convective blowup.

The 700mb and 500mb note that the system is tilted NW/SE, w the 500mb still near St Croix. It's got work to do. |
In this thread:
So Much Energy -
8/24/2016, 9:34 pm- Re: So Much Energy - LawKat, 8/24/2016, 10:27 pm
- Re: So Much Energy - CX, 8/24/2016, 10:34 pm
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