Global Hawk went to Gaston
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Chris in Tampa on 8/27/2016, 6:42 am
But when you are doing a 24 hour mission, maybe there is time to stop by sampling north of 99L and hey, why not across 91L too?

It's a research mission, so maybe they are doing other research as it relates to Gaston. I can understand sampling the area well away to understand the conditions making it turn, maybe how 91L is impacting it, but that did seem quite far to head just north of the Bahamas. But maybe that is the point sampling really far away to understand the atmospheric conditions well away that could have an impact.
From the SHOUT schedule:
"Overview: SHOUT 2016 Hurricane Rapid Response (HRR) began with the Science Flight #1 on 24 August. During the the first SHOUT HRR science flight using data from the 75th dropsonde (out of a total of 84 dropped) launched from the Global Hawk's AVAPS, the National Hurricane Center evaluated the real-time information to upgrade GASTON to the third hurricane of the Atlantic Season."
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