Posted by
cypresstx on 8/28/2016, 8:56 pm
pretty awesome - I've been wishing for this for a long time

pick your color-scale, domain, timespan & animate here: http://tropic.ssec.wisc.edu/real-time/mtpw2/product.php?color_type=tpw_nrl_colors&prod=global2×pan=24hrs
MIMIC-TPW2 is an experimental global product of total precipitable water (TPW), using morphological compositing of the MIRS retrieval of TPW from every available operational microwave-frequency satellite sensor.
The specific technique of morphological compositing used here ("blended advection") is described in a 2010 paper by Wimmers and Velden.
Stay tuned for a more in-depth technical description of the product, which is still in development. In the meantime, be sure to inspect the Diagnostic view of the product animations for a better sense of the product's contributing elements.
25 May 2016
The MIMIC-TPW2 product is now running in developmental mode. Check in for regular updates.
Development of the MIMIC-TPW2 product is supported by the JPSS Risk Reduction Program and the Office of Naval Research.
Development Team Anthony Wimmers (Principal Investigator), UW-CIMSS Chris Velden (Co-Investigator), UW-CIMSS Jordan Gerth (Co-Investigator), NOAA/NESDIS Bill Ward, NWS Environmental Scientific and Services Division, Pacific Region Carven Scott, NWS Environmental Scientific and Services Division, Alaska Region Kennard Kasper, NWS Key West Office Xiwu Zhan, NOAA NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and Research
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