Re: How are all you Floridians doing? Alligator Point looks rough.
Posted by
alligatorob on 9/2/2016, 12:39 am
So far so good, we are on the beach at Alligator Point in an old ground level house, but not as exposed as AlligatorPointer's. We are still here, but when the water starts coming in the door we are gone. Right now its a foot or so below.
I think the eye passed a little south of here within the last hour, our wind has shifted to the north. I am thinking we have about a 5 or 6 ft storm surge, but natural high tide isn't for about 3 hours so the water could get higher.
Wind is making a lot of noise and has blown down some limbs, but nothing too big. I doubt we have seen anything more than the occasional gust above TS strength.
Power is out, land line phone and internet are down, but we have battery backup, iphone internet connection and plenty of beer so I think we'll survive. |
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