Re: What in the world are these models doing?
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AquaRN on 10/4/2016, 10:21 pm
I sure feel for the forecasters and the emergency planners. First you think you may have fairly good and closely paralleled models and suddenly a group make a right hook! So....what do you do now? Millions are depending on getting the correct advice on the storm.
The people doing the flights must be exhausted....they are really out there doing a great job for all of us.
What an incredible storm. They will be studying this one for years.
BTW...the George Washington (carrier) just pulled out of Norfolk ahead of the storm. The Washington is PACKED with relief supplies...and...of course, they have planes and helos. A few more ships are planned too...including the hospital ship...the Comfort. Will post more info as it is made public.
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