Re: Where the forecast failed
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AquaRN on 10/10/2016, 7:45 am
Agree....but when that 'watch area'. or cone is on your area, people rightfully or wrongfully go crazy. However, it does set in motion the Emergency Planners, extra staffing at hospitals/police/fire, people go out and secure property, events and schools are canceled ahead of time and companies/military release early so people are not caught out in the storm, etc.. And, thousands of people do take heed and 'get ready'....hit the stores, prepare for no electricity etc...This did not happen here 'because the hurricane' was going to take a sharp turn would not even come near the area.
Locals had to scramble AFTER the storm and open up some emeregency shelters. The state of emergencies were declared AFTER the storm started slamming the area. The National Guard was called in and yesterday.....came in with high water vehicles that certainly would have been helpful if called earlier.
So many now still with no power, trees down, and now it is quite chilly outside.
The fellow down the street is a good example. He fixes generators and said that at first when the projected path/cone was over us....he was swamped with people who pulled out generators to see if all worked but found issues needing repair. Then, after the 'visual' right turn, everyone got complacent and went about life. Now he is again swamped with people's whose generators are not working and losing food etc..
Yes...NHC is fantastic. But as with a previous storm when they 'kept control' of the forecast....wish they would've extended the watches and warnings north (even at the last minute) when they realized this crazy storm was continuing to do crazy things in a much broader area and was possibly transitioning.
HIndsight is always 100%....
I will NEVER fuss at the NHC if we prepare and it does not hit....that is fine with me....just in case of odd times such as these past few days.
As of this am, still 98,000 with no power...and it is a very unusual and chilly 55 degrees. Most of those in highly populated areas. Poor VA Bch is alone 48,000 without...and many areas flooded/trees on houses/cars. Throughout the area they are STILL towing hundreds of abandoned cars. Many roads closed, many washed out. And the river flooding today is significant.
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