Re: New Zealand Herald: more than 1500 aftershocks
Posted by
cypresstx on 11/16/2016, 9:49 am
found some interesting articles browsing for info on this today
from New Zealand Geographic, The Day The Earth Shifted about the 1855 quake
from GeoNet, M7.8 Kaikoura Earthquake: Latest updates
Multiple ruptures
Rapid field reconnaissance indicates that multiple faults have ruptured:
Kekerengu Fault at the coast - appears to have had up to 10m of slip Newly identified fault at Waipapa Bay Hope Fault - seaward segment - minor movement Hundalee Fault
In the simplest case an earthquake is a rupture on a single fault plane.
What we are finding in New Zealand is that quite a few of our larger earthquakes involve jumping from rupture on one plane to another in a complex sequence. We first saw that with the Darfield Sept 2010 EQ where multiple segments ruptured together as a single earthquake. We appear to have seen this again overnight.
In terms of what might happen next: The scenarios provide an overview of how we see this earthquake sequence evolving over the next few days to one month. What is on the web page is our best information that we have to hand at the moment. As our science information flows in over the next few days we expect that information may evolve.
from The Conversation, What happened in New Zealand's magnitude 7.5 earthquake and Be prepared, always: the tsunami message from New Zealand's latest earthquake
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