Re: Invest 90L - Around Aruba
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Chris in Tampa on 8/4/2017, 8:02 am
I'm not sure why the TAB models hop around with the track like that. But in the short term, they are the best performing. That happens sometimes early on. Since model data has not been out for very long, only the 12 hour error is compared this early on. The models have not updated since after 8pm last night, NHC skipped 2am models, so they have been on there for a bit. I assume 8am models, available by around 9am, might look more normal. But the model run before the last one had some odd movement too, though not as pronounced. Might be some sort of error. (though that's what I'm getting from the NHC) |
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Invest 90L - Around Aruba -
Chris in Tampa,
8/4/2017, 6:51 am Post A Reply
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