Posted by Fred on 8/6/2017, 4:39 pm
Which state is the only state to have more major landfalling hurricanes then category 1's & 2's combined? Rhode Island 2 majors 1 Cat 2

Which 3 states have never had a Category 2 landfall? Alabama,Virginia, and New Jersey

Which states have had more Category 3 landfalls then Category 2's? Louisiana (13 Cat 3,12 Cat 2), Mississippi (5 cat 3, 4 cat 2), Alabama (4 cat 3,0 cat 2), New York (3 cat 3, 2 cat 2), Rhode Island (2 cat 3,1 cat 2)

Which states have never had a category 3 landfall? Massachusetts, Maine, Virginia, New Jersey

Which 5 states are the only states to have more hurricane landfalls then tropical storms? Louisiana 50 H 45 TS, Texas 52 H 41 TS, North Caroilina 36 H 29 TS, South Carolina 24 H 10 TS, Rhode Island 3 H 2 TS

Which state is the only state to have more category 1 landfalls then tropical storms? South Carolina 14 CAT 1 10 TS

Which states have had more category 3 landfalls then category 1's? Mississippi 5 CAT 3, 2 CAT 1, Georgia 2 CAT 3, 1 CAT 1, Rhode Island 2 CAT 3, 0 CAT 1
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Tropical fun quiz - Fred, 8/5/2017, 3:54 pm
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