biennial FEMA National Level Exercise to use a mock Atlantic hurricane this year
Posted by cypresstx on 4/30/2018, 1:10 pm

Public Information Statement
NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL
900 AM EDT Mon Apr 30 2018

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will be conducting a National Level Exercise (NLE) from April 30 through May 11, 2018,  that uses a hurricane scenario affecting the U.S. East Coast to test response and readiness capabilities.

Mock National Hurricane Center (NHC) tropical cyclone text and graphical products have been created for this exercise for a fictional tropical cyclone. These products are not intended to be released externally and no test products from this exercise will appear on the NHC website ( In the event that a real tropical cyclone is active in the Atlantic basin during the time of the test, only official tropical cyclone forecast information will appear on the NHC website.

The 2018 NLE tests federal, state, and local governments' ability to respond to catastrophic incidents; Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia will join departments and agencies across the federal government for this exercise. The exercise is based on a scenario where a major hurricane makes landfall near Hampton Roads, Virginia.

For more information on the NLE, see this press release from FEMA:

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biennial FEMA National Level Exercise to use a mock Atlantic hurricane this year - cypresstx, 4/30/2018, 2:10 pm
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