Tides and Curernts - TS Gordon Quick Look
Posted by
cypresstx on 9/4/2018, 7:41 pm
As of 09/04/2018 17:00 CDT, water levels from the Florida panhandle to southeastern Louisiana remain elevated and are measuring 1 to 2 feet above normal tide levels. At this time many stations are at or approaching low tide which is helping to counteract some storm surge effects from Gordon. However over the next 6 to 12 hours as tide levels will be once again rising, storm surge may result in flooding in some spots across the Gulf Coast.
Winds are rising at some locations along the immediate coast including Dauphin Island, AL, Shell Beach, LA and Pilots Station East, LA where winds in excess of 20 knots with gusts of 25 to 35 knots have been observed.
Water Level and Meteorological plots available below are updated automatically. A line denoting Mean Higher High Water (MHHW) is displayed to provide an approximate indication of when flooding inundation may occur.
For additional real-time and historical inundation information for select stations affected by this storm, please visit Coastal Inundation Dashboard. For additional data, please see the Center for Operational Oceanographic Products & Services website.
For more information or archived products and reports, please visit the Storm QuickLook Homepage.
Analyst: PFF |
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Tides and Curernts - TS Gordon Quick Look - cypresstx, 9/4/2018, 8:41 pm
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