you can build to withstand hurricanes
Posted by
cypresstx on 10/15/2018, 10:09 am
but it will knock many out of the rebuilding process because they can't afford it
After Hurricane Andrew, a Category 5 beast, ravaged Miami-Dade County in 1992, new construction in the southern portion of the state was required to withstand 175-mile-an-hour winds. In the coastal Panhandle counties affected by Michael, the requirement is lower, for 120 to 150 miles an hour, and the rules for certain kinds of reinforcement have applied to houses built more than a mile from shore only since 2007. Many of the residences and businesses rubbed out by Michael in Mexico Beach were far older; rebuilding them to conform to the new code will be expensive, and could price out some of the working-class people who historically have flocked to Mexico Beach.
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you can build to withstand hurricanes - cypresstx, 10/15/2018, 10:09 am Post A Reply
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