Re: I wouldn't want their job
Posted by
Chris in Tampa on 8/26/2019, 11:40 pm
The two planes found estimated surface winds that were around 50mph. There were some SFMR readings a bit higher that may not have been representative, in addition to some that were simply wrong because they were too close to land or even over land. 30 second flight level winds were no higher than 52 to 53 mph, so that's probably why they went down.
They actually only went down 5 knots, from 50 knots to 45 knots. But the way that works out since they have the miles per hour in increments of 5mph is:
50 knots = 57.539 mph = 60 mph 45 knots = 51.7851 mph = 50 mph
Until it has passed Hispaniola (whether over it, water or Puerto Rico), I don't think it will be too clear what the storm might be like once it gets out of the Caribbean. |
In this thread:
Dorian at 11pm AST Monday: 50mph; 1003mb; WNW at 13mph -
Chris in Tampa,
8/26/2019, 10:49 pm- I wouldn't want their job - cypresstx, 8/26/2019, 10:57 pm
- Re: I wouldn't want their job - Chris in Tampa, 8/26/2019, 11:40 pm
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