Recon images
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 8/28/2019, 8:10 am
Dorian is continuing to strengthen based on flight level winds. The surface winds in what they sampled so far hasn't quite increased yet, but close.

Flight level around 845mb, 5,100 feet. NE Quadrant. At about 7:46am AST:

Highest Flight Level Wind (30 sec. Avg.): 65 knots (75 mph)
Highest Peak (10 sec. Avg.) Flight Level Wind: 72 knots (83 mph)
Highest SFMR Peak (10s Avg.) Sfc. Wind: 54 knots (62 mph)

Air Force recon through 7:35am AST:

Radar from:

Through 7:45am AST:

Through 7:45am AST. Satellite at 7:48am AST.

NHC track:
Satellite imagery: (Mesoscale floater 2, Band 13, color)

Through 7:55am AST. Satellite at 8:00am AST.

I'll post more tonight.
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