Re: New 12z Euro: Watch out Panhandle and GOM
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 8/28/2019, 5:28 pm
The ICON (Icosahedral Nonhydrostatic) model mentioned can be found on Tropical Tidbits site:

About Germany's ICON model:

I wanted to point out though that the NHC sometimes will talk about another model named ICON.

The ICON model in the NHC's Automated Tropical Cyclone Forecasting (ATCF) System is different than the German ICON model. That model doesn't forecast track, just intensity.

About NHC's models:

At bottom of Table 2:

Model Name or Type: Intensity consensus
Pertubation or Consensus Methods: Simple consensus, all 4 must be present
Cycle/Run Frequency: 6 hr (120 hr); 00/06/12/18 UTC
Ensemble Members: DSHP, LGEM, HWFI, HMNI
NHC Forecast Paramter(s): Intensity

The NHC's intensity model can be found in the model system at HurricaneCity in either the intensity chart:

Or model text data:

But doesn't appear on the Google Maps model page because it doesn't come with a track.
In this thread:
New 12z Euro: Watch out Panhandle and GOM - beachman80, 8/28/2019, 2:42 pm
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