Re: Member Map - O/T technical stuff
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Chris in Tampa on 8/24/2020, 1:39 am
Sounds like they plan on replacing the Flash with JavaScript:
I thought they had replaced it already. That's actually a really simple display to update.
For now they do have the single GIF here: Which links to image here:
That is the "Standard Version" in top left corner.
I used to like the Weather Underground radar, though IBM keeps destroying everything about the site:
You can't zoom in like you used to be able unless you try doing it while the page loads.
Long range in the drop down menu. They do have other radar products too which is why I still like Weather Underground.
College of DuPage, localized sector:
You can also click the "sub-regional sectors" for a little wider view. Those loops don't require Flash.
They have single site radar data too with short range data (124 nautical miles), but currently those loops require Flash:
Plymouth State Weather Center also has some loops that you can create for a single site: It's time specific in that link, but if you remove the dates in the link, but leave the variable names, you can create a bookmarkable link for a single product type:
But they have various products. Regional radar/sat composite:
There's the interactive maps, but I don't like them as much usually:,-81.5?zoom=5&animation=true,nexrstorm.-90,nexr1hpcp.-90,NEXRAD-Guam.-90,NEXRAD-Hawaii.-90,NEXRAD-PuertoRico.-90,nexreet.-90,nexrhres.-90,nexrdhr.-90,nexrrain.90,nexrcomp.-90¢er=35,-94&zoom=4&basemap=bluemarble&labels=line&view=leaflet
This is not so much for your area, mostly for South Florida, but this does show Marco pretty well right now:
It just doesn't include to the north and west of you.
If anyone has any great radar sites for U.S., post them.
I don't think the chat room ever gets used. |
In this thread:
Marco/Laura Location check-in -
8/22/2020, 8:57 pm- Re: Marco/Laura Location check-in - AquaRN, 8/24/2020, 5:56 pm
- Re: Marco/Laura Location check-in - weatherwizard, 8/23/2020, 6:49 pm
- Re: Marco/Laura Location check-in - Target, 8/23/2020, 6:11 pm
- Re: Marco/Laura Location check-in - Prettywitty, 8/23/2020, 9:44 am
- Re: Marco/Laura Location check-in - dikat5, 8/22/2020, 9:39 pm
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