Here are some of the messages about the issues that continue. Messages from here: I guess things were starting to work better and now they're getting worse again. I see some of NOAA's sites are down. Never heard about N-Wave which was what they were working on: NOUS42 KWNO 091111 ADMSDM SENIOR DUTY METEOROLOGIST NWS ADMINISTRATIVE MESSAGE NWS NCEP CENTRAL OPERATIONS COLLEGE PARK MD 1109Z WED SEP 09 2020 ...SCHEDULED NWAVE MAINTENANCE IN BOULDER... NWAVE Maintenance is scheduled at the Boulder Data Center today. IDP applications have been moved/will be moved to College Park ahead of the maintenance window in order to reduce impacts. However, due to the increased load in College Park, users may still experience occasional slowness on NOMADS, TGFTP, FTPPRD and MRMS websites. Also, between 1530Z and 1930Z, will be unstable due to the maintenance. During this time there will be intermittent outages. If you experience an API outage beyond 19:30Z, please contact NWS Tech Control at Gerhardt/SDM/NCO/NCEP NOUS42 KWNO 091731 ADMSDM SENIOR DUTY METEOROLOGIST NWS ADMINISTRATIVE MESSAGE NWS NCEP CENTRAL OPERATIONS COLLEGE PARK MD 1730Z WED SEP 09 2020 ...WIDESPREAD NCEP/IDP WEBSITE SLOWNESS AND CONNECTION ERRORS - UPDATE... NCO has confirmed the widespread issue with NCEP/IDP website slowness and connection errors is being caused by the increased load in the College Park Data Center. The situation continues to be closely monitored and a possible fix to relieve stress on College Park servers while NWAVE maintenance proceeds in Boulder is currently being investigated. Gerhardt/SDM/NCO/NCEP NOUS42 KWNO 091902 ADMSDM SENIOR DUTY METEOROLOGIST NWS ADMINISTRATIVE MESSAGE NWS NCEP CENTRAL OPERATIONS COLLEGE PARK MD 1900Z WED SEP 09 2020 ...WIDESPREAD NCEP/IDP WEBSITE SLOWNESS AND CONNECTION ERRORS - UPDATE... Website instability remains. NCO continues to work on resources at the College Park data center until the NWAVE maintenance at the Boulder data center maintenance is complete. Known impacted sites/applications: - NOMADS - FTPPRD - TGFTP - API - MRMS - MADIS - GISC-Washington - NCWCP center websites (WPC, OPC, CPC, EMC, NCO) - MAG - opah-ftp Liddick/SDM/NCO/NCEP NOUS42 KWNO 092006 ADMSDM SENIOR DUTY METEOROLOGIST NWS ADMINISTRATIVE MESSAGE NWS NCEP CENTRAL OPERATIONS COLLEGE PARK MD 2005Z WED SEP 09 2020 ...WIDESPREAD NCEP/IDP WEBSITE SLOWNESS AND CONNECTION ERRORS - UPDATE... NWAVE maintenance has completed in Boulder. NCO is working to evaluate the Boulder data center and bring applications over to lessen the load in College Park and restore website functionality. Known impacted sites/applications: - NOMADS - FTPPRD - TGFTP - API - MRMS - MADIS - GISC-Washington - NCWCP center websites (WPC, OPC, CPC, EMC, NCO) - MAG - opah-ftp Liddick/SDM/NCO/NCEP NOUS42 KWNO 092107 ADMSDM SENIOR DUTY METEOROLOGIST NWS ADMINISTRATIVE MESSAGE NWS NCEP CENTRAL OPERATIONS COLLEGE PARK MD 2106Z WED SEP 09 2020 ...WIDESPREAD NCEP/IDP WEBSITE SLOWNESS AND CONNECTION ERRORS - UPDATE... NCO continues to work towards bringing applications and services to Boulder to lessen the load on the College Park data center. Known impacted sites/applications: - NOMADS - FTPPRD - TGFTP - API - MRMS - MADIS - GISC-Washington - NCWCP center websites (WPC, OPC, CPC, EMC, NCO) - MAG - opah-ftp Liddick/SDM/NCO/NCEP NOUS42 KWNO 092319 ADMSDM SENIOR DUTY METEOROLOGIST NWS ADMINISTRATIVE MESSAGE NWS NCEP CENTRAL OPERATIONS COLLEGE PARK MD 2319Z WED SEP 09 2020 ...WIDESPREAD NCEP/IDP WEBSITE SLOWNESS AND CONNECTION ERRORS - UPDATE... NCO has moved several applications to Boulder and website stability has improved. Website stability and system health are being monitored as some applications are not back to 100% healthy. API has also fallen behind in processing alerts and remains largely non-responsive. NCO is investigating that issue as well. Impacted sites/applications: - API - NOMADS Liddick/SDM/NCO/NCEP SENIOR DUTY METEOROLOGIST NWS ADMINISTRATIVE MESSAGE NWS NCEP CENTRAL OPERATIONS COLLEGE PARK MD 0107Z THU SEP 10 2020 ...WIDESPREAD NCEP/IDP WEBSITE SLOWNESS AND CONNECTION ERRORS - UPDATE... Previously affected sites are beginning to become unstable again in College Park. NCO continues to troubleshoot applications and the data centers. Currently impacted sites: - API - NOMADS - FTPPRD - MADIS - MRMS - GISC-Washington - NCWCP center websites (WPC, OPC, CPC, EMC, NCO) - MAG Liddick/SDM/NCO/NCEP |