Re: PTC 26 - Advisories to start at 5 PM EDT
Posted by Beachlover on 10/5/2020, 12:46 am
Yes, AP, surge is the devil, though we're a couple of blocks off the Gulf and not likely to fall victim to a wave per se. Still, even in a slow rising but high surge that potentially overwashes the entire island, we could lose everything below the house including the breakaway walls and anything stored in the garage including our vehicles.
Before reading your post I was just sitting here thinking about surge, and how it surely will be a lot higher in this storm than Sally, and that, based on the track's eastern turn tonight, I will almost surely be forced to make some hotel reservations off island. Will call tomorrow morning. Even if we could move just the Jeep off island and take a chance with the higher, heavier F150 pickup staying under, there's my fear that the Bob Sikes bridge between here and Gulf Breeze will be further undercut and we'd be stuck on the island, a pretty terrifying thought in case of illness or injury. I HATE THIS.
Oh, and did I say we just re-stocked the fridge and freezer this past Thursday? We'll have to throw it all away. Again. $$$
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