Re: Facebook - O/T
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 10/10/2020, 8:35 pm
I did happen across that addon last night, or something like it that did that, but by then I had already decided to stop using Facebook for my website. I stopped using it years ago for personal use and hadn't used it since last year for my website. I had already figured out how to delete posts a little more easily in the newer layout and I went through, still one by one, and deleted all my old posts on my website's Facebook page last night. Took an hour, but I just wanted it so that there was no old content there. I didn't want people to get confused. I have a message in the about section saying I don't use it, only Twitter.

One of the reasons I disliked using Facebook for my page was that it displayed the most recently added images within a post or two from the most recent post you've made on your page. If I posted an image, then it would stay there constantly near the top, even when it no longer applied. There was no way to turn that off. I could post something interesting about a storm, with an image, but it would still be there 10 storms from now if that was the last image I manually added. I hated that. I didn't want old information showing up. So I deleted all the images like that on my page, other than the profile and main picture, last year. But I hated keeping up with the Facebook page and Twitter. I have even posted less on Twitter, but at least on Twitter I can post an image and it doesn't stay at the top confusing people. They have a section that shows the latest images posted but it doesn't present those as if they are part of all of your latest posts. There's a long list of other reasons I don't like Facebook, but that was the one that finally made me want to stop using it for my website.

The NHC always posts something to Twitter about a storm, but does it less often for Facebook. And it takes them longer to post it usually there. At least it did, maybe they are faster this year. I often end up just retweeting the NHC on Twitter occasionally if a storm is strengthening, but then because they don't always post something on Facebook, I previously had to write something up rather than just share what the NHC posted because they wouldn't have anything for the advisory I wanted to share something for. So that got annoying. If I have something interesting to share, like an image, I'll just post it on Twitter amongst the NHC retweets. I will still keep the Facebook page so someone else doesn't take the name and in case there is something important about the products on my site not being available and I could post a message to both Facebook and Twitter.
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Jim's in Louisianna - cypresstx, 10/8/2020, 7:50 pm
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