Re: Jim's 2021 kick-off show
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Chris in Tampa on 6/2/2021, 12:44 am
I like the new truck. I had seen on Twitter several days ago that you were saying goodbye to the old one.
Some good preparation tips. I have a closet with lots of empty bottles to fill up with water before a storm. A generator is a nice thing to have, though for people like me who live right on the water, you can't really ride out a storm so having a generator is less needed. I live next to Tampa International Airport, very close to a power substation, so my power doesn't usually go out. In fact they are currently undergrounding all the power from that substation to my neighborhood, which will make it even less likely to go out.
I was able to catch the last 30 minutes so far of the show. I was out watering my yard, after it got cooler, trying to keep the grass alive. (the grass not already dead) 96 degrees today and 27% humidity at the time. (we had rather low humidity at times in May) No measurable rain at my house in over a month (maybe a hundredth or two, it sprinkled May 30th for a few minutes while the sun was out) so I have been hand watering daily. An afternoon sea breeze shower would be nice. Not looking for much beyond that. Though if a tropical storm happened to come by in June, I wouldn't complain. Would knock off some cities on your list too.
Starting from the beginning of the show, I see this is your 24th year doing this. A quarter century next year! A great job over all these years. I guess I started following HurricaneCity in 2004 and maybe joined the message board in 2005, I forget. I know I first started paying attention to hurricanes in 2004 and that's when I found your site.
I watched on YouTube tonight. I think that is the best place to stream. A lot more viewers there. I started trying to watch on Periscope at first but it wouldn't let me watch full screen on my tablet. I then saw Cypress' post here and went to YouTube to watch where I was able to make it full screen. I know Periscope is going away, so I like that you do it on YouTube too now. Maybe Facebook is good for social interaction, like comments, I don't know. Maybe people share things on that more too. I don't use Facebook any longer, but on YouTube, and maybe Facebook too, there, might be ways to notify people when a show is going live. I see some people I follow on YouTube post that a live stream is going to happen well in advance. You can actually to it days before when the person posts it. I don't have email notifications, but it might email people too. Not sure. Maybe people who hit subscribe and the notification bell so you can get all notifications. Then people would have to have email notifications active too. Not sure how all that works. |
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Jim's 2021 kick-off show -
6/1/2021, 8:07 pm- Re: Jim's 2021 kick-off show - Chris in Tampa, 6/2/2021, 12:44 am
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