Momentary surface wind of 161 mph at 8:19am CDT measured by sonde
Posted by
Chris in Tampa on 8/29/2021, 9:54 am
A NOAA sonde dropped in the northeast quadrant measured momentary surface winds of 161 mph when it landed about 7 miles west-northwest at about 8:19am CDT. This is not 1 minute sustained.
Mean Boundary Level Wind (mean wind in the lowest 500 geopotential meters of the sounding): - Wind Direction: 100° (from the E) - Wind Speed: 141 knots (162 mph)
Deep Layer Mean Wind (average wind over the depth of the sounding): - Wind Direction: 110° (from the ESE) - Wind Speed: 135 knots (155 mph) - Depth of Sounding: From 760mb to 950mb
Average Wind Over Lowest Available 150 geopotential meters (gpm) of the sounding: - Lowest 150m: 157 gpm - 7 gpm (515 geo. feet - 23 geo. feet) - Wind Direction: 90° (from the E) - Wind Speed: 149 knots (171 mph)
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