Port Conditions explainer
Posted by
cypresstx on 11/8/2022, 9:02 am
Port conditions are set by the Captain of the Port (COTP) and are used to alert the maritime community to changes in port operations needed to prepare for the hurricane's arrival.
Port Condition WHISKEY: Gale force winds (34 knots or 39 mph) are predicted to arrive within 72 hours. Port Status: Open to all commercial and recreational traffic.
Port Condition X-RAY: Gale force winds are predicted to arrive within 48 hours. Port Status: Open to all commercial and recreational traffic.
Port Condition YANKEE: Gale force winds are predicted to arrive within 24 hours. Port Status: Closed to inbound traffic and vessel traffic control measures in effect on vessel movements within the port.
Port Condition ZULU: Gale force winds are predicted to arrive within 12 hours. Port Status: Closed to all inbound and outbound traffic.
Port Condition RECOVERY: The storm is no longer a threat to the area, however some damage may have occurred and response and recovery operations are in progress. Port Status: Reopened to outbound traffic at completion of port survey. Vessel traffic control measures remain in effect on vessel movements within the port. |
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Florida East Coast Ports info -
11/8/2022, 8:46 am- Port Conditions explainer - cypresstx, 11/8/2022, 9:02 am
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