Cross City, Florida (edited to include map)
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 8/30/2023, 12:32 am
Message modified by a board administrator (Chris in Tampa) on 8/30/2023, 12:42 am
32 seconds into the video here:

He says they are near Cross City and that in the morning they will head north in the morning if it warrants.

That is not in the surge zone according to the graphics on the NHC website and that would be about 50 miles southeast of the landfall point on the current track. (which could change some of course) Hurricane force winds are forecast to extend out about 30 miles at landfall, so the core isn't too large of dangerous winds as of current forecast. It's more about the areas of surge.

At 7:11 he says he is on the north side of Highway 19, away from the surge.

Two remove cameras. One camera on Steinhatchee River on a bridge. Another camera in Keaton Beach, FL, with anemometer, is about 10 feet above sea level and could go under water he said.

Estimated camera locations in pink, Jim's estimated location in green.

In this thread:
12am EDT Wed: 110mph; 958mb; "Catastrophic storm surge and destructive winds expected in the Florida Big Bend region" - Chris in Tampa, 8/30/2023, 12:06 am
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