Re: 12Z HAFS-A & B and HWRF will have tail doppler assimilated
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 9/24/2024, 1:22 pm
Some of the HAFS runs have been nuts with wild intensity swings, but usually very strong. While it would be nice if it was weaker, the storm's size is going to be a big problem with surge it seems. So if the energy goes more to growing in size rather than perhaps getting stronger than say a category three, it's going to still be formidable. Despite a relatively fast movement, it will bring a higher than expected surge perhaps.

Still 6Z (initialization time) as of posting as it is a late cycle model.

Closeup view of those models...




Wide views of those models...

HWRF Parent:

HAFS-A Parent:

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12Z HAFS-A & B and HWRF will have tail doppler assimilated - cypresstx, 9/24/2024, 1:10 pm
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