Re: her satellite presence is jaw dropping
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 9/25/2024, 9:33 am
I have in the best track system a very rough calculation of the Surge Destructive Potential (SDP). (simply based on the coarse wind field available in best track data) It's all the way to the right at the bottom for the latest in the table.

Some of the quadrants are more over land perhaps so maybe that is why there was no wave height details. Not sure.

But that's why it says for 9/25 12Z (8am EDT):

If storm over water:

The system only assumes it is over water if it has wave details.

But, it shows how potent the surge is for later. 4.1 out of 6 and it's not quite a hurricane yet. It's all about its size.
In this thread:
7am CDT Wednesday on Helene: 70mph; 979mb; NW at 9mph; Close to hurricane strength - Chris in Tampa, 9/25/2024, 8:31 am
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