Re: Jim's site shows the models for 94L on the front page
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 10/17/2024, 9:26 pm
55 was my low this morning in Tampa. It's not going to last, but it's nice to see those temperatures some. The water temps at the moment are in the mid 70's for that reason around here. Again, not going to last like that I'm sure, but it's nice before we get into the winter months. The water is plenty warm to the south to get strong storms, so it's nice that for now the GFS is not showing any significant threats with these areas the NHC is watching. Western Carib one might develop some before going into Central America. Then it's quiet until around Halloween perhaps when something could form in early November. I love it when the models keep putting something off. Let's get to December! Or even January. Who knows when the waters might cool off enough, but maybe the atmosphere won't cooperate long before then.
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7-day - 10/40 - cypresstx, 10/13/2024, 3:11 pm
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