very sad :(
Posted by cypresstx on 10/17/2024, 9:39 pm
I remember when our last neighborhood flooded the smell of the huge debris piles - at first the smell of wet silt-filled sludge that covered everything, then mold, but soon after, the smell of decaying meat & other food from the refridgerators and freezers that everyone had to toss out. We didn't have the wind damage, so that on top of everything else must be horrid

Most difficult, especially for our kids, emotionally, was the loss of "community" as so many neighbors just bailed & then as houses got torn down around us, the feeling of being alone. By the time we sold, our subdivision was unrecognizable from the quaint starter home we bought as expecting parents.

I am so sorry for everyone's loss, sure hope recovery comes soon
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Jim's Milton video final edit - cypresstx, Yesterday, 8:40 am 
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