Longer term impacts from California fires could have deadly impacts
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 1/18/2025, 8:36 pm
Blog post from Jeff Masters and Bob Henson:

However, the eventual death toll from the disaster is likely to be far, far, higher, once the health effects from the toxic smoke from the fires are fully realized. Additional deaths can be expected in the coming years because of the large-scale disruption to people's lives that such a colossal disaster brings about – similar to what has been found in the aftermath of major hurricanes, which have been linked to thousands of indirect deaths up to 15 years after they hit.

It's sad that even after the fires get contained, there's a lot of risk that I hadn't thought about.
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Longer term impacts from California fires could have deadly impacts - Chris in Tampa, 1/18/2025, 8:36 pm
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