Re: I forget it's still winter
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 2/9/2025, 11:28 pm
Snow is nice to look at... from afar. As long as you didn't have to get out in it, hopefully you enjoyed it. I was watching something on the news from somewhere of quite a few cars sliding in ice at the same time and hitting each other. I look at the people on TV shoveling the snow and feel sorry that they have to deal with that.

Low 80's here. Might get closer to mid 80's on some days. Been mostly upper 70's. Our average highs would be low 70's. We might be closer to about average, or a little below, in a week or so for about a week looking at some extended stuff that isn't as reliable. My favorite season is now officially "not cold". I hate hot, but I hate cold more now. We're enjoying some of those days right now we get too few of, the something in between.
In this thread:
My live snowstorm stream. Long Island, NY - Fred, 2/8/2025, 9:04 pm
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