Register for CaneTalk
If you already registered, but need to resend the email to confirm your email address, click here.
To begin the registration process, fill out the form below. Once you submit the form you will receive an email with a link that will allow you to verify your email address and confirm your registration. Your registration is not complete until you verify your email address. You have a week to complete that step before your pending registration will be deleted and you will have to submit your registration again.

Your account will not be activated until an administrator reviews your registration.

If you have any technical issues with the message board, please email the webmaster. Other questions should be emailed to HurricaneCity.
Your Public Username
Please choose a username.
Usernames must be between 2 and 20 characters. You can use letters, numbers, underscores (_) and hyphens (-). It's not case sensitive when logging in, but you can choose what letters are capitalized when the username is displayed publicly.
Confidential Account Details
Please choose a password.
Passwords must be between 8 and 20 characters. You can use letters, numbers and special characters. ( _-@&'()".,:;?!$=*% ) Passwords are case sensitive. For security, your password must not be a common word in the English language or a commonly used password.
Please confirm your password.
Your password and password confirmation fields do not match.
Please enter your email address.
Please confirm your email address.
Your email and email confirmation fields do not match.
Please enter your first name.
Please enter your last name.
Please enter your birthday. It must either be in the format "MM/DD/YYYY" or "YYYY-MM-DD".
This allow you to reset a forgotten password.
Account Options
Allow other people to email me. (With either choice, your email address will never be revealed.)
Should your username be shown to the public on the front page when you are logged in (and for an hour after your last visit) or be hidden?
Public Profile
The following information is optional. The information in this section will be displayed in your public profile. Do not fill out anything in this section unless you want to post it publicly.
If you enter information about yourself in the "About Me" section, it cannot contain certain characters.
500 characters max. Links are allowed. (optional)
If you enter a city, it cannot contain certain characters.
If you enter a county, parish, borough or municipality, it cannot contain certain characters.
Depending on where you live, and if applicable, the "county" field is also for a parish, borough or municipality.
If you enter a state or province, it cannot contain certain characters.
Depending on your country, the "state" field is also for a province or territory.
If you enter a country, it cannot contain certain characters.
Acceptance of Board Rules
In order to register for our site, you must agree to our site's rules.
Board Rules Updated January 1st, 2025
Acceptance of Membership Agreements
You can view our membership agreements here:
Terms of Use | Privacy Policy
In order to register for our site, you must agree to our site's policies.
You must solve the CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) above before submitting the form.
There was at least one error in the form above that you need to review.