Re: Prepping for New Madrid Quake
Posted by Tim_NC on 2/9/2011, 11:21 pm
One should be know that North American Indians were stone age people living in a world where for most others the stone age had ended nearly 5,000 years earlier.
(The bronze age began ~3300 BC.)

The most well-written book I've ever read was "Chevalier La Salle" by J.S.C. Abbot (1898.)
That's not a typo; that's 1898. The book's secondary title is "Chevalier De La Salle and His Companions."

After reading this book, besides being stupefied by its contents, I thought to myself: "holy mackerel, whatever has happened to the art of writing?" This book converts grammar into a beautiful art.

Anyway....La Salle's detailed 385 page account of his exploration of the Mississippi Valley (from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico) was an eye-opener.

First, some familiar chronology:

1.) The native people of North America have been here for thousands of years. They arrived a stone age society and remained such until Europeans took over. Although their technology was that of stone age, they built large societies - even to the point of having "cities" that in population rivaled those of Europe 500 years ago.

2.) The first explorers (such as Hernando de Soto of Spain who explored inland America in the early 1500s) brought diseases that wiped out most the native population (losses are estimated to be as much as 80-90%.)

3.) The Frenchman, La Salle, explored interior America in the late 1600s after much of the native population had been decimated. He and his few companions visited the many Indian nations or tribes inhabiting the Mississippi Valley; and while doing so, wrote prolifically on his exploits.

What surprised me most about the Native Americans was how barbaric they were. I had always thought the oft used term "savage" to describe them was hyperbole - but in fact, it's not. They were indeed "savage" people. Well...not all of them; but many of them.

The level of savagery had much to do with climate and the availability of food. Not necessarily a rule, but in general Southern Indian Nations tended to be peaceful, naked, and fond of sex; while Northern Indian Nations tended to be war mongers who raised torture to an art.  Indian fascination with torture was a repeating theme; and God help any member of a neighboring tribe who was captured.

If any of you can get your hands on this book, I guarantee you'll be glad you did. As disturbing as it might be at times, it's an overall masterpiece of writing.

Tim in NC

P.S. No rational thinker would give an atom's worth of credit to any prophecy by anyone.
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Prepping for New Madrid Quake - JAC, 2/8/2011, 6:52 am
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