Request for Chris on anyone on Models...for newbies and some not so new to Hurricane City & Canetalk
Posted by BobbiStorm on 6/24/2012, 12:45 am
We all have our specialties and we all have our weaknesses.

Many people find it easy to get to a message board or to hit the part of the site with Jim's Tropical Update and City Picks but they get overwhelmed by data and or ... many people have problems with their vision as they get older (and I know we have a lot of semi-retired and retired types here who have followed tropical weather with a passion over the years) as well as people who do not speak English always as their native language and get lost on a site as wonderful as this:

I've been told before often that people come to a message board to read short comments or get quick discussion as they don't have a lot of time to learn new things and are intimidated by the huge amounts of data that are needed to process to figure out how to run models, which models to use, when the models come out, etc... tropical vs global, european v american vs canadian, etc...

Apps are fun but they don't often deliver the deep discussion we get into here.

Can you please ...for those who are technically challenged or have time constraints online explain when the models come out... or which models the newbie or amateur can go to and book mark to keep up with things. I'm asked this often and am not good at explaining it... as most of what i do is intuitive and I'm not good with the technical lingo.

So... models in say Eastern Standard Time...not Zulu ;)

Global Vs Tropical?

If you can do this in a very simple format, it would be appreciated as it is one of the main questions I am asked often... "what are they talking about" "do you stay up all night for models?" "when does the important model come out"   etc...

Thanks. has been and continues to be one of the best, premier sites online for in-depth info on current storms, past storms... and general information.  And, Canetalk has been a wonderful benefit for so many people who do not post here often but read regularly. Always amazes me how many people I meet who tell me they read posts here and use Hurricanecity yet never write a post or ask a question.

Thank you.... respecting everyone for their own area of expertise and understanding we all have things which seem to overwhelm us in the beginning ...

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Request for Chris on anyone on Models...for newbies and some not so new to Hurricane City & Canetalk - BobbiStorm, 6/24/2012, 12:45 am
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