Eye of the Storm - Sunday (Sep. 10th) blog post
Posted by cypresstx on 9/10/2023, 1:29 pm
Bob Henson @bhensonweather
32 minutes ago
#Lee rocketed to fearsome Cat 5 strength, then weakened sharply, and is now rebounding. It's still roughly a week away from a potential landfall in Atlantic Canada (and New England can't yet be ruled out). The latest from @DrJeffMasters and me:

In this thread:
11am AST Sunday (Sep. 10th) on Lee: 110mph; 958mb; WNW at 8mph - cypresstx, 9/10/2023, 10:51 am
  • Eye of the Storm - Sunday (Sep. 10th) blog post - cypresstx, 9/10/2023, 1:29 pm
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