Re: Hurricane exhausts?
Posted by jack ruby on 8/21/2009, 5:21 pm
Yes it is a beautiful thing isn't it? Exhausts is the correct term too, because basically your talking about the outflow area around the storm and the subsidence from which it agains draws upon to nourish its core, as you say. Its a wonderful thing because, the hurricane is a complete and whole unit unto itself. The largest temperate low pressure systems of the upper atmosphere (baroclinic lows) are founded upon the interaction of two disparate air masses   (warm and cold). The hurricane is a creature unto itself, a separate entity, not an interaction of singular air masses. It is its own singular air mass. I'm sure Lawkat, you have experienced along the Gulf Coast, the entry into the air mass of an oncoming hurricane, preceding the leading squall lines. Often you get the feel of something oppressive. Its that warm moist and yet subsiding air surrounding the core of the hurricane. Anyway, its a beautiful thing.
In this thread:
Hurricane exhausts? - LawKat, 8/21/2009, 1:22 pm
  • Re: Hurricane exhausts? - jack ruby, 8/21/2009, 5:21 pm
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