Ericka convection blow-up SE of Puerto Rico
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jack ruby on 9/4/2009, 7:17 am
Ericka continues to hang on, as many models (those that still consider her a viable system)have her heading on a more NW course off the Atlantic coast. I still don't think that Ericka will become "a Danny". That system was weak, and then absorbed by the strong trough coming off the US East Coast. I don't think the troughing off the East Coast is as steep as it was then, and Ericka seems to move according to its own drummer. The long stall showing no signs of letting up, and making it difficult to forecast exactly what the conditions will be when Ericka does finally begin moving (lots of flux in early to mid Sept conditions off the East coast). Funktop of Ericka near Puerto Rico. |
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Ericka convection blow-up SE of Puerto Rico - jack ruby, 9/4/2009, 7:17 am Post A Reply
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