Hurricanes -Basically Just Heat Engines?
Posted by
BobbiStorm on 9/7/2009, 8:56 am
All the talk on SSTs, El Nino and ULLs..
We forget they are really heat engines...
Statistics for this area... in NC
9/6 Temperature All Time Highs & Lows
record 104 record 1954 record 49 record 1997
I think that says a lot.. 1954...very active season hurricane season. 1997...slow El Nino.
Not saying it's just because of El Nino but that is a big coincidence as 1954 is infamous for hurricane activity!
Or maybe heat seeking missles... you get one in the ocean and they go for the gold... or hot in this case..
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Hurricanes -Basically Just Heat Engines? - BobbiStorm, 9/7/2009, 8:56 am Post A Reply
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