Re: Wilkins Ice Shelf Unzipping
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Target on 1/5/2010, 5:15 am
The Stefan-Boltzmann law is that the watts of light (or heat) radiated from some object depends on the surface area of the object times the blackness of an object (a pure white surface acts like an insulator to light received or emitted by an object so it has a value of 0 and a pure black object have an emissivity of 1) times the constant (the Stefan-Bolzmann constant) and times "the absolute difference in temperature between the object and the temperature it sees around it" to the forth power (the difference in Kelvin multiplied by itself four times).
Power (in watts) = Area*emissivity*StefanBoltzmannConstant*(T-t)*(T-t)*(T-t)*(T-t)
where T is the absolute temperature of the hotter object in Kelvin and t is the absolute temperature of the colder object in Kelvin
The problem with trying to use the Stephan Boltzmann law is that the atmosphere has an infinite number of layers so as it becomes progressively opaque the equations get more complicated. You might be better off trying to do some sort of finite element analysis for measured values at various elevations.
I'll let the climatologists battle it out with their super computers, unless I get someone to fund my advanced degree in atmospheric dynamics (unlikely).
I rather study wind turbines or other sources of power. This hurricane stuff is my hobby.
James Hansen published some temperatures last month but said nothing of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO).
Anyway, the temperatures seem to show a more consistent rise in temperatures in the Southern Hemisphere.
The temperatures near the Poles will probably rise faster than those near the tropics.
I just notice that the last time Antarctica thawed was the period between 25 million years ago to 15 million years ago.
Primates survived on Earth back then.
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Wilkins Ice Shelf Unzipping -
12/29/2009, 5:59 am Post A Reply
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