Re: The Weather is going crazy in New England
Posted by James g on 6/11/2010, 7:38 pm
Ron,your area, and much of New England in general lies in the path of several jet streams which as you know are storm tracks.Under ceartain conditions those jet streams can also be non tropical storm enhancers as well as generators.Besides being in the path of temperate storm tracks your area also recieves lots of tropical and subtropical moisture which serves to fuel storms in that region. Keep in mind that vermont is about the same distance from the heart of tropical warmth as it is to the north pole thus,the recent upswing in severe weather is likely a phenoumena that should be expected to occour from time to time.

NOAA has recently announced a LA-NINA watch, meaning that there is a good chance that LA-NINA conditions will develop over the next three to six months. There is a possibility that under these pre LA NINA conditions that your area is recieving more than the normal amount of warm moist air from the tropics which in interaction with the upper level winds common to New England, is spuring the severe weather you are experiencing.I live in the Southern Appalachians and I have noticed what seems to be an increase in average dew points this year as opposed to the last three years.Also our convective season started about three weeks early this year.Interestingly enough severe thunderstorms are common here in this part of Appalachia,while tornadic activity is at least thought to be rare.Actualy since I have lived here, I have seen some evidence that small tornadoes may be more common here than presently known but being that the five and six thousand foot mountains here tend to block radar signals,it may be that those twisters are going largly unnoticed.I should say however that about a month ago the center of my county was in fact under a tornado warning at around 3 .00 am !  Just google any relief map of Macon county NC and you will see why this early morning twister warning at least seems odd. MY home is at 2500 feet and surrounded on three sides by mountain ranges which extend to almost 6000 feet.Being that it was dark I never saw any funnel cloud, but I would swear that at least an f-1 went over my home as indeed there was the sound of a freight train passing by outside.I rode out Katrina just 30 miles north of Biloxi MISS.and I must say that this tornadic storm was very breifly much more intense than the average weather we experienced in Katrina !

Well I hope I have helped and stay safe,but enjoy those storms!
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The Weather is going crazy in New England - chriswx, 6/10/2010, 10:28 pm
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