Flattening of TUTT in Carribean??
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jack ruby on 6/18/2010, 5:36 pm
Upper level low pressure extends from Fl westward to ULL in Western Gulf. Meanwhile the southerly extent of the upper low in the Carribean seems to be lifting up or flattening some. NHC reports location of Upper High in E Carib. 92L still catching shear now near the border of Upper High in E Carib. Wondering if upper level conditions might be improving west toward the Dominican Republic with lifting or flattening of ULL or TUTT there. http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/goes/east/tatl/flash-wv.html |
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Flattening of TUTT in Carribean?? - jack ruby, 6/18/2010, 5:36 pm Post A Reply
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