Re: Jim why is there so much hype!!!!
Posted by Jake on 6/23/2010, 11:58 pm
Jim,  I am probably over reacting to the lack of deep analysis from some posters who state a full blown hurricane will move towards the oil area before this even becomes a TD.  Regarding model guidance, we all know how they change storm motion and hardly ever wined up where intial guidance takes the possible system. Especially when this doesn't even have a true center.

Posters remember that many who view this board have little knowledge of how tropical systems work and they may be scared not only from the oil issue, but from storms amd hurricanes that are forecasted way ahead of time to move towards their vicinity.

Jim, it's your board and I will respect your opinion. I will no longer feed this thread.

remove it if you wish.

In this thread:
Jim why is there so much hype!!!! - Jake, 6/23/2010, 3:06 pm
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