A little Help (and some new GOM convection at 19N91W)
Posted by Target on 6/26/2010, 8:21 pm
If you right click on an image you can sometimes see the option "view image."

Once you get an image URL in your browser address text box (they typically end in .jpg or .png or .gif) then you can highlight the full URL address, right click to copy, come back to where you were blogging, and then right click to paste the URL address of the pic, then place this code around the URL address of the pic, for example:

(but the only real space should be between img and src=", ... remove all but one of the following spaces)

< i m g  s r c = " http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/goes/east/watl/ft-l.jpg " >

Would yield (Alex Lives):

In this thread:
JAC please help - Jake, 6/26/2010, 7:50 pm
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