Re: Time to revisit the Vecchi study?
Posted by Conclue on 8/4/2010, 1:05 pm
it's funny your bringing this up now as I was thinking of it the other day reading some discussions about all the TUTTs/ULLs. and thought of this study. I just, i don't know. it's farrrrrrr to early to say one way or another. We need a couple decades of data to even begin considering thinking about if the study is gonna prove it self one way or the other.

I still don't understand why all over the interent weather folks are calling the death of the 2010 season the first week of August. I really don't understand. It's like if doesn't live up to 2005 it's a bust? Seriously? LOL Even a warmer climate doesn't mean EVERY year is going to make for huge number of storms. The only real implication that is certian is that warmer oceans offer more fuel for storms in general, It's one slice of a huge pie.
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Time to revisit the Vecchi study? - Beachlover, 8/4/2010, 12:44 pm
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