Re: Please tell me
Posted by CypressTX on 8/5/2010, 12:43 pm
they were only horrid at night - sis' land has a large pond/small stream on it about 100 ft from the main house & mosquitoes weren't bad during the day - biting flies were tho.  don't wear anything scented, cologne, shampoos, deodorant, even fabric softener, etc... look for the unscented version of everything

one thing that amazed me was in driving 2,900 miles round-trip, we never had to drive in any rain, just a little fog in IA - with all the storms going across the mid-west this summer, that really surprised & pleased me
In this thread:
Video of some heavy rain at my house tonight - Chris in Tampa, 8/4/2010, 8:52 pm
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