50 - 50 may be resonable
Posted by JAC on 8/10/2010, 7:00 am
Looking at tropopause height, the TUTT over Florida is not all that strong.

A deep TUTT would have a much lower tropopause height.

Convection along and west of the Keys has a cloud-top pressure of 200mb.

Given the large surface convergence, there is a good chance that the convection could increase.

Rolling nicely on MIMIC-TPW.

If so, the TUTT could be blown away.

Saw this scenario with Alex when there was a weak TUTT close to Alex in the GOM.

Once convection flared, the TUTT was blown out of the water.

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94L at 50% - Beaumont, 8/10/2010, 5:43 am
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