Re: Homegrown Development Possible This Weekend Into Next Week?
Posted by JAC on 8/19/2010, 12:59 pm
I saw this either yesterday or the day before on the models.

Basically another tail end trough spin up like TD5.

Cold-core to warm-core top-down development.

Usually, pretty hard to get those really cranking.

Even last week models were hinting along the same scenario for something to spin up around 30N 70W.  --> nothing.

I am trying to keep these more low key since the latest preception seems to be there may be too much wish casting and going off the deep end.

Models seem to have backed off on it now.

In this thread:
Homegrown Development Possible This Weekend Into Next Week? - AlligatorPointer, 8/19/2010, 12:50 pm
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